Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rififi Wants You!

We're looking for more raiders for 25m progression in Ulduar and beyond. Currently we are 12/14 in 25m Ulduar and 13/14 in the 10m version. We will accept applications and give consideration to any serious raider, however, we are looking for some classes more than others. They are:

Retribution Paladin
Blood Death Knight
Feral (DPS) Druid
Enhancement Shaman
Restoration Druid or Shaman

Feel free to submit your app on our forums using the link to the left. Thanks for your interest!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rififi co-PuGs 10/14 in Ulduar25

It's our second week of organizing 25m Ulduar runs with the help of friendly, willing, and capable PuGs and we've managed to down ten bosses, up through Thorim. Though we've taken a brief hiatus of sorts from 10m content, this week we're back on it and are up to General right now; he should be dead this week.

So, Rififi's moving and doing it pretty quickly. Won't be long till we can field a full 25m raid. We're looking for a couple more classes and players to help us do that.

Most pressingly we're in need of:

Holy Priest
Enhancement Shaman

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rififi 11/14 in Ulduar -- LFM for 25s

Rififi has cleared everything in 10m Ulduar up through Mimiron. In addition, we've also organized Rififi co-PuG 25m clearances of everything up through Auriaya (meaning, both the Siege and Antechamber of Ulduar). We're currently looking for more for 25m content. Listed below are our most pressing needs, but, as always, we'll accept an application from any capable raider. We raid Thursday-Sunday, 11pm-2am (server).

Retribution Paladin
Enhancement Shaman
Elemental Shaman
DPS and/or Tanking Death Knight
Restoration Shaman

Visit our forums to submit your application. =D

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rififi Begins Work on Ulduar!

The night the patch was released, Rififi entered Ulduar and downed the Flame Leviathan easily. But the rest was bugged, so we had to wait a day before finally beomg able to give the Stone Giants a sampling of what we bringing to them. Rififi downed XT-002 Deconstructor, Razorscale, and Kologarn. Congratulations to all who were there for the kills.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rififi the Undying!

On its first attempt, Rififi becamse The Undying! We've never tried for this before, but executed a flawless run perfectly -- no one died to trash, even! GG Red on dropping a Repair Bot just before Kel.... nub. This achivement came after just two months of being able to field a full Rififi-run 10-man team, so that gives you a sense of how fast we're progressing.

Also, we're still recruiting for a few remaining spots for our Ulduar team. Most pressingly we are looking for a Shadow Priest, an Elemental Shaman, and a Frost/Unholy Death Knight. We would also like to add one more healer, though recruitment is closed on Resto Druids and Holy Priests.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sartharion-10 with Two Drakes Down!

Rififi has downed 10-man Obsidian Sanctum with two drakes. Too, the guild has organized semi-PuG clearances of all 25-man raids for the second consecutive week and has become the 33rd ranked guild on Dragonblight according to WoWProgress.com, and we look forward to what else we can do in the near future as we ready ourselves for Ulduar and the rest of Wrath of the Lich King.